James D. Chandler, MD FRCPC
General Psychiatry
Yarmouth Professional Building
615 Main St. Suite 315 Yarmouth, NS B5A 1K1
Phone 902-742-6661

To get the best results in psychiatry, you have to have the right diagnosis. But there aren't a lot of lab tests that are useful in psychiatry. Figuring out the diagnosis requires information from a few sources.

  1. the child
  2. the full time caregivers
  3. information from schools, previous psychiatric assessments, medications
  4. Rating Scales

There are two types of Rating scales. One type is used to measure how much change there is with a treatment In this practice, they aren't usually used for diagnosis. The rating scales are filled out, then after a treatment is begun, another rating scale is filled out and the scores are compared. This can be very helpful in determining if a treatment worked or not. Some rating scales are filled out by me, some by the children themselves, and many by parents. Another type of rating scale is to help me focus on which problems your child has. It is easy to forget to ask about certain problems. For all new patients, I have them fill out the CAPS- the Child/Adolescent Psychiatry Screen. Sometimes I have people fill this out before I see them so I can tell how much time I need to allow for the consultation. Here are the Rating scale links

If any scale asks for a password it is   marla



CAPS- Child/Adolescent Psychiatry Screen this is a screening instrument developed by the Massachusetts General Hospital.


Rating Scale for ADHD (SWAN Scale) –

Depression- rating scale of mom’s depression

One of the most important things to know when evaluating a child who might be depressed is how depressed the mother is. So every time I evaluated a child for anxiety or depression, I always have the mom, or whoever the primary care giver is, fill out the MDI (Major Depression Inventory). Click here to see how important this is in the treatment of children.

Depression- self rating scale for teenagers with depression


ODD and CD

Rating Scale for Aggression for parents This will require a password from my secretary
Rating Scale for Aggression for Teachers This will require a password from my secretary


Bipolar Rating Scale for parents This will require a password from my secretary

Childhood Mania Rating Scale This will require a password from my secretary

Anxiety Disorders

Rating Scale for anxiety disorders-parents This will require a password from my secretary
Rating Scale for anxiety disorders- children This will require a password from my secretary
Rating Scale for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder This will require a password from my secretary.

Autism and Related Disorders

Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist - for monitoring change with Autism treatments.
Rating scale for Aspergers This will require a password from my secretary.

To figure out what we need in each case, you will fill out a questionaire form for me first. Click here for questionnaire